Now we all get excited to receive parcels in the post.
It’s a bit like receiving a gift even if you buy something for yourself!
When I received this package it really was very special as it has felt like a
very long wait for the finished product.
The anticipation of how it looks, how it feels and finally reading it to my
children when they got home and saying I made this. It was such a proud moment
for myself and they could see from my expression how much it meant to me.
It wasn’t just my book that brought on the excitement but the cute little
extras that came with it. Bookmarks, flyers and posters were among the
promotional material and I am looking forward to using them.
I am so grateful to have my book completed with the help of all of the teams
within the Austin Macaulay departments and it was well worth the late nights,
second attempts of my illustrations and perseverance.
Would I publish another book? Most definitely!
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